Silent Install Options

The Thinfinity® Workspace installation can be run in 'silent' mode, that is, without the need for user interaction. This can be useful if you are a system administrator and you want to automate the Thinfinity® Workspace installation or if you are deploying it over your local network.

Thinfinity® Workspace Line Switches

In order to perform a silent installation, use this command line:

C:\Thinfinity_v6.0_Setup_x64 /s /v/qn

These are additional command line switches that you can pass on to the setup file:

The SM_TYPE parameter corresponds to these installation wizard options:

The default installation will install the All components option.


· Installing Broker and HTML5 Services only:

C:\Thinfinity_v6.0_Setup_x64 /s /v"/qn SM_TYPE=\"SM_Broker\""

· Installing Reverse Gateway Only:

C:\Thinfinity_v6.0_Setup_x64 /s /v"/qn SM_TYPE=\"SM_Gateway\""

· Installing All components and passing the registration parameters:

C:\Thinfinity_v6.0_Setup_x64 /s /v"/qn EMAIL=\"\" SERIAL=\"POIT-NNMG-PATV-54AQ-MBVT-MNAI-EQCI-MCTV\""

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