Configuring the Connection
Besides the basic parameters required to establish a connection, you can send additional settings parameters to customize the connection the way you want.
There are three ways to customize the one-time-url connection:
1. Using an Access Profile that will act as a template to the connection.
2. Using an Access Profile and overriding some parameters by sending them on the queryString.
3. Configuring each setting parameter on the queryString manually.
Find below what parameters you should send in order to configure the connection with each one of these modes:
Mode 1. Using Access Profiles as template for the Connection:
Parameter | What it means | Type/format | Default |
model | On this parameter you should send the Profile Key, to have this profile taken as the Connection template. | string Profile Key |
Mode 2. Overriding the profile settings:
Parameter | What it means | Type/format | Default |
overrideDefaults | Set this property to true, to have the Profile settings overridden by the parameters sent on the queryString. Then configure the individual settings you want to add to the Profile connection template If you send this parameter as false, only the profile configuration will be taken. | boolean true,false | false |
Mode 3. Configuring each setting individually:
If you do not send the model parameter or even override its settings (mode 2), you will be able to configure each Thinfinity® Workspace setting individually.
Find below the list of the parameters you can configure manually:
Parameter | What it means | Type/format | Default |
computer | The remote desktop IP and port to connect to. If you are using "None" or "Username/Password" as authentication mode or the [any computer] as profile you will have to specify the computer parameter. | string IP:Port | |
The username to authenticate against the remote machine. If this parameter is not sent, Thinfinity® Workspace will prompt the user for this information. | string username | ||
The password to authenticate against the remote machine. If this parameter is not sent, Thinfinity® Workspace will prompt the user for this information. | string password | ||
startprg | If you will use the OneTimeURL to start a specific application, you should change this and the following three fields. Set it to 0 for the "Do nothing" option; 1 for the "Start a program" option; 2 for the "Launch RemoteApp" option. | integer 0,1 or 2 | 0 |
command | Full remote application path that should start upon connection establishment. | string app path | |
directory | Initial context directory to be used by the application set on command parameter described above. | string dir path | |
cmdargs | Arguments to start the application specified on the "command" property. | string app args | |
bpp | Color Depth: sets the number of bits per pixel. Set 8 for 256 colors; 15 for True Color (15 bit); 16 for True Color (16 bit) ; 24 for True Color (24 bit) | integer 8,15,16 or 24 | 16 |
resolution | "fittobrowser", "fittoscreen", "fixed". When "fixed", the 'width' and 'height' parameters will be considered. | string toolbar size | "fittobrowser" |
width | Remote desktop screen width. It will only be considered when the resolution parameter is set to "fixed". | integer pixels | Desktop width |
height | Remote desktop screen height. It will only be considered when the resolution parameter is set to "fixed" | integer pixels | Desktop height |
imagequality | Specifies the image quality/compression. Set 0 for "Highest"; 1 for "Optimal"; 2 for "Good"; 3 for "Faster" | integer 0,1,2 or 3 | 1 |
desktopbackground | Set to true to show the original remote desktop background. | boolean true,false | false |
visualstyles | Set to true to change the start menu and other windows features style. | boolean true,false | false |
menuwindowanimation | Set to true to show an animation on the Start menu. | boolean true,false | false |
fontsmoothing | Set to true to make text easier to read, especially magnified text. | boolean true,false | false |
showwindowcontent | Set to true to show windows contents while dragging them. | boolean true,false | false |
desktopcomposition | Set to true to configure the DWM to redirected the desktop drawing to off-screen surfaces in video memory. The desktop will also present many visual effects. | boolean true,false | false |
unicodekeyboard | Allows for using full unicode keyboard charsets. Set to false to connect to xRDP servers. | boolean true,false | true |
keyboardlayout | Allows to specify the keyboard layout when unicode keyboard is disabled. | string Keyboard identifier (hexadecimal) | "00000409 (US) |
console | Forces the connection to connect to the remote console session. | boolean true,false | false |
wscompression | Set to true to enable the compression for the exchanged Websocket data and have the application performance improved. | boolean true,false | true |
disablenla | Set the option disableNLA if you use a CredSSP other than Microsoft. | boolean true,false | false |
desttype | Set the desttype to "VMID" in case you want to establish a connection to a Hyper-V Virtual Machine or set "RDS" if you want to create a connection to an RDS Collection VM. The connection will act as a regular connection in case you don't inform this property of inform any value different from "VMID" and "RDS". | string VMID or RDS | |
destinfo | Inform the Virtual Machine ID, for Hyper-V Virtual Machine connections or inform the TSV URL for RDS Collection Virtual Machines. | string Virtual Machine ID or TSV URL | |
diskenabled | Set to true to have an intermediate disk available on the connection. | boolean true,false | true |
diskname | Identify the intermediate disk among the other remote desktop disks. | string name | "ThinDisk" |
diskautodownload | Set to true to automatically download any file saved/copied in the Intermediate disk. | boolean true,false | true |
1 . By informing the username and password on the URL you will be setting the "Use these credentials" option.
If you don't inform username or password, the behavior will follow the "Ask for new credentials" options'.
The "Use the authenticated credentials" option is not supposed to work with the One Time URL, because in this case there is no prior authentication with a valid user for the remote machine.
To add each of the parameters to the queryString, you have to concatenate an "&" symbol, the name of the parameter, the "=" symbol and the value assigned to the parameter, as shown on the example below:
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